A Maryland driver has received a $90 (€69) ticket for failing to move right

Mar 13, 2013 10:36 GMT  ·  By
Driver is fined for driving 2 mph (3.2 kph) under the speed limit of 65 mph (104.6 kph)
   Driver is fined for driving 2 mph (3.2 kph) under the speed limit of 65 mph (104.6 kph)

A driver from Maryland is planning to contest a ticket she has received for driving 2 mph (3.2 kph) under the speed limit on the wrong lane. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, claimed she had good reason to slow down.

The citation, issued on Interstate 95 on Friday, March 8 and relayed by The Blaze, reveals that she was driving 63 mph (101.4 kph) in a 65 mph (104.6 kph) area.

“Failure of driver, driving below speed limit, 63 in a 65, to keep right,” it reads.

She has been fined for failing to move to the right lane, and has to pay a $90 (€69) ticket. She describes the weather as windy at the time, and stresses that she has slowed down in order to keep safe.

John Townsend of AAA Mid-Atlantic dubs the citation “silly,” as a meteorologist has already confirmed 40 mph (64 kph) winds in the area at the time.

[Update, March 25 2013]: The previous title of this news blog mentioned that the driver was fined for driving too slow, without mentioning that the ticket was given out for failing to use the right lane. The error has been corrected since, with the help of our readers.