The full game narrative will be revealed later in 2013

Jul 17, 2013 21:40 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare is still in the teasing stage of marketing for its coming Dragon Age: Inquisition and is giving fans a new, bigger version of an already available image alongside a mysterious message.

The studio writes on Facebook: "It wasn’t hidden, it was uncontrolled. Like the power you now command."

The image shows a castle and a traveler who does not bear resemblance to any of the characters that have driven the story of the Dragon Age universe so far.

We already know that Inquisition will take place in Orlais and will evolve a narrative that involves the Templars, the Chantry and the mages.

Dragon Age: inquisition is set to be launched in 2014 and will probably be available on the PC, the Xbox One from Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 from Sony and current-gen devices.