Streaming function displays the most recent tweets as they arrive

Mar 14, 2012 08:51 GMT  ·  By

Tweetbot, arguably the best Twitter client out there, has been promoted to version 2.1 to support the new iPad’s Retina display and to add a cool feature called “streaming” which updates your Twitter feed in a much more natural way.

Developed by the people at Tapbots, Tweetbot 2.1 now has Retina graphics for iPad 3rd generation, and adds the new Streaming function when on WiFI with settings to disable it.

Streaming lets you receive tweets as they are posted, rather than having you pull down the list each time to refresh it.

The "new tweets" sound is now limited to mentions, DM's, and new tweets via pull-to-refresh, and double-tapping on the timeline tab now button takes users to last read tweet before going to the top.

There are a bunch of improvements in the Tweetmarker department, as well as various bug fixes. Tapbots says the iPhone version will soon get all these enhancements as well.

Download Tweetbot for iPad (Free)