Numerous bugs fixed including audio and video issues

Dec 20, 2006 14:27 GMT  ·  By

With all the spyware scandals and other whatnots, EA's shooter Battlefield 2142 is still doing fine. On top of this, EA has decided to further improve it and has released a new patch and server for the game.

The patch addresses several audio and video compatibility issues and fixes a whole lot of bugs. First of all, the ability to resupply all unlimited ammo objects has been removed and you will no longer be able to use Sentry Gun to push opponents into Titan Crate collision. Also, you will not be able to use anymore RDX DemoPacks drop through the first section of the third and fourth upper hallways of Titans.

The Away Bonus is now used when calculating in-game promotions, and communication with the GameSpy Database has been improved. Probably most Battle 2142 fans will be delighted to know that Commander score statistic no longer resets to zero.

Some of you may find enabled tabbing to password field when using a dedicated server useless, but I am glad they fixed this bug, because I hate using the mouse. EMP effect on Gunship was reduced from 4 to 3 seconds (wow, one full second), and apparently, this allows the gunship to recover when throttled up at medium altitude.

Pistols have also been adjusted, meaning that ROF Clamp values have been increased and damage fall over range has been reduced. The default server port has been changed to 17567 and once you install the bug your game will update to most current PunkBuster client files. They have fixed active camouflage to no longer offset image and the adjusted up the damage of the HMG rounds to counter its lower RPM.

If you find this patch useful, you can download it by clicking HERE.