A new +120 AP item replaces Deathfire Grasp

Mar 12, 2015 09:46 GMT  ·  By

After a series of highly controversial patches for League of Legends, developer Riot Games confirms that it's now rolling out update 5.5 which should bring a series of across-the-board buffs to champions that have a jungle role, not to mention a new +120 AP item called Luden's Echo that replaces the scrapped Deathfire Grasp.

League of Legends is one of the most popular free-to-play experiences out there, with tens of millions of people joining the multiplayer title every month around the world. The game has been through many different changes over the years and some pretty big patches have appeared in recent weeks that drastically altered its gameplay, particularly the jungle role.

Patch 5.5 is now live and brings some much-needed buffs

After admitting that it hasn't exactly done the greatest of jobs with altering the jungle position and the champions that excel at this role, Riot Games has now rolled out patch 5.5 for League of Legends, which should result in some increases in power and abilities for characters like Azir, Gragas, Nautilus, Shyvana, Sion, and more.

However, there have also been a few nerfs to champions like Kassadin, LIssandra, as they needed a bit of tweaking after some recent changes made to them by previous updates.

Of course, another major aspect of the new update is the introduction of Luden's Echo, the new item that adds +120 ability power to heroes when purchased. It replaces the controversial Deathfire Grasp, which got removed a few months ago, and should help movement-focused mages like Lux, Akali, or Karthus.

There are also a few new jungle items in the form of Bami's Cinder and its potential upgrade, Cinderhulk Enchantment, which should help clear jungle camps easier and offer extra health to champions.

There are also some changes to the Summoner's Rift map overall, as colors should be more vibrant and there are new animated Victory and Defeat banners.

Check out the full list of changes on the official website and download the new patch 5.5 from the League of Legends client right now.

League of Legends artwork (6 Images)

VI is buffed in LoL
Azir has some tweaks in LoLGragas has been buffed in LoL