Major changes to turrets and quite a few balance tweaks for some champions have been added

Jul 3, 2014 06:42 GMT  ·  By

League of Legends has just received a brand new update from developer Riot Games, designed to alter a bit the efficiency of some champions who go into the jungle area of the map, but also to add one new item and an overhauled existing one, while making tweaks to quite a few characters.

League of Legends is one of the most popular free-to-play online experiences out there and developer Riot Games is constantly releasing new updates for the multiplayer online battle arena title to ensure that all of its players are happy.

Now, a fresh patch is rolling out as we speak, taking the game to version 4.11 and introducing quite a few tweaks to the jungle system.

According to Riot, players who favor the jungle area are only picking certain champions that offer high damage instead of those focused more on support.

"Our big story for this patch is to bring some equality back to the jungle. In the 2014 season, popular junglers have been heavily skewed in favor of high-pressure damage dealing champions like Lee Sin, Pantheon, Kha'Zix, Evelynn, Elise, etc, and it was these dominant picks that knocked most supportive tanky junglers right out of the park," the studio said on its website.

Riot analyzed this problem and found that improving other potential jungle champions wasn't the best idea, as that could lead to other balance issues down the road. Instead, it's added a new item called Quill Coat and overhauled the Spirit of the Ancient Golem one.

"On deeper analysis, we quickly realized the problem was less about buffing tanky junglers to keep up and more that we lacked a strong item path for utility junglers to pick up. As a result, patch 4.11 will be introducing one new and one might-as-well-be-new item in the form of Quill Coat and Spirit of the Ancient Golem, both of which should cater heavily to the tanky utility-focused junglers in the game."

Besides these pretty big changes to the jungle, League of Legends patch 4.11 also brings forth quite a few balance tweaks, particularly for Maokai, but also for Braum, Heimerdinger, Jax, Karthus, Kayle, Lucian, Nautilus, Nidalee, Rengar, Skarner, Vladimir, Yasuo, Zac, and Ziggs.

A few other tweaks have been made to the turrets, in order to ensure that a team whose lane is being overrun still has a chance to withstand the enemy push.

You can download League of Legends patch 4.11 through the in-game launcher.