Aug 2, 2011 09:58 GMT  ·  By

Chrome Dev is slowly progressing towards its imminent beta release, with Google engineers rolling out version 14.0.835.15 on the channel dedicated exclusively to avid testers of the open source web browser.

A new name on the test-centric channel, Dharani Govindan is proud to make the official introductions, announcing that “The Dev channel has been updated to 14.0.835.15 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame.”

Govindan confirms the purpose of this new release, noting that it contains “fixes for sync and stability,” for all supported platforms, including Mac OS X.

“Full details about what changes are in this build are available in the SVN revision log,” he adds.

As usual, those who find new issues can pick up on the bug reporter and file a bug.

Early reactions to the new Dev builds for Mac, Windows and Linux are mixed, but not necessarily because of the new version itself.

On the contrary. Some Chrome fans seem to have lost interest in testing and are urging the Mountain View search giant to roll out Chrome 13 Stable faster.

One user has a theory about Google waiting for the third anniversary to release their Chrome Stable 13, Beta 14 and Dev 15. However, September is pretty far away.

Indeed, it has been a while since the Stable channel received any major updates, but there’s no reason to panic.

Aside from a working version of Multiple  Profile switcher, experimental new tab page and tab grouping, Compact Navigation and the ability to restrict Google Instant to search, there’s no major feature to look out for.

In addition to these enhancements, Chrome 13 Stable will deliver the usual bag of fixes, and perhaps a graphical tweak here and there.

Chrome fans can download the latest Dev, Beta, and Stable build for Mac using the link below. Chrome needs Intel hardware to run.

Download Google Chrome for Mac OS X (Free)