Mar 22, 2011 09:56 GMT  ·  By

The Google Chrome Dev Channel has been updated to version 11.0.696.16 for all supported platforms, including Mac OS X, addressing various bugs and crashes.

Karen Grunberg, of the Google Chrome team, makes the proper introductions noting that “The Dev channel has been updated to 11.0.696.16 for Macintosh, Windows, Linux and Chrome Frame platforms.”

On the blog dedicated to Google Chrome developer, beta and stable releases, Grunberg outlines the code corrections included in the latest Chrome Dev build.

These include clicking on the labels of checkboxes / radio buttons closes content settings dialog box; Unlock Keyring makes chrome unusable; sample extension for chrome.experimental.proxy API; and fixes for several known crashes.

As usual, Mac and PC users that are not too shy of unstable Chrome builds are more than welcome to test out the newest developer builds of Chrome as well as to provide the much-needed feedback at

Chrome 11 is rapidly approaching its foray into the Beta channel with recent activity accelerating on the Dev distribution front.

The last two Chrome updates we reported on were both Developer releases. Today’s marks the third, and we can expect Chrome 11 to be promoted to Beta relatively soon.

As for those who prefer a more stable web browsing experience, version 10.0.648.151 is the current designation for both the Stable and Beta channels.

The release, announced on March 17 by Google’s Jason Kersey, blacklists a small number of HTTPS certificates.

On Macintosh computers, running Chrome requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and an Intel processor.

As usual, Softpedia readers can download all versions of Chrome for Mac OS X (Stable, Beta, Dev) immediately using the link below.

Download Google Chrome for Mac OS X (Free)