Jan 27, 2011 09:32 GMT  ·  By

A new version of Google Chrome for Mac, Windows and Linux is now available for download through the Developer channel. The new Dev release focuses on stability.

“The Chrome Dev channel has been updated to 10.0.648.6 for all platforms,” announces Jason Kersey, of the Google Chrome development team.

“This build primarily contains stability fixes from the previous dev channel release,” Kersey notes.

“Full details about the Chrome changes are available in the SVN revision log. If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug,” Kersey concludes his post.

The most recent Dev release, 10.0.642.2, was posted last week by Jason Kersey, who revealed in a blog post that the Chrome Dev channel had been updated for all platforms.

Chrome 10.0.642.2 featured a fair amount of fixes targeting the Mac OS X version of the browser. It made thumbnails closable in tab overview mode, and delivered three fixes.

“Earlier this week, the Beta channel was also updated to version 9.0.597.83 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame,” Anthony Laforge, program manager at Google, reported in a blog post.

Laforge noted on January 25, that the latest Beta update for Chrome was primarily a stability/ minor bug fix release.

Google Chrome requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and an Intel-based Mac.

Download Google Chrome for Mac OS X (Free)

A note about Google Chrome release channels and updates

Chrome boasts a release system with three distinct channels: Stable, Beta, and Developer preview, called the "Dev" channel.

The Stable channel is updated with features and fixes only after they are thoroughly tested in the Beta channel, while the Beta channel is being updated with stable and complete features from the Dev channel, where ideas get tested.