Mogul unveils his hairline to rubbish rumors of a hairpiece

May 13, 2010 09:53 GMT  ·  By

For years, Donald Trump has been a target for jokes on his hair, of which the New York Times once said it was such an elaborate structure that only an architect might be in a position to criticize it. Rumors also said that The Donald might be wearing a hairpiece – and a bad one while at it – to hide a balding spot, a claim he duly refuted while on Ryan Seacrest, as the video below can confirm.

Mr. Trump was doing an interview with Seacrest for his radio show when, after being asked about whether he was wearing a Trump tie, he was also queried about his hair. As Seacrest put it, many simply can’t believe that such a bad ‘do can actually be made of real hair. To this, The Donald responded that his ‘do might not look good, but at least it’s not fake since all that we see is 100 percent his real hair.

To prove that, The Donald agrees to lift his hair off his forehead to show his hairline, which, surprisingly, is not as far back as one might expect. Then, at Seacrest’s request, a woman also in the room with them goes and touches Trump’s hair to say that it feels very soft and natural. This comes on the heels of a certain ad FOX8 ran to promote the latest season of “The Celebrity Apprentice” that had not been pre-approved by the Trump Organization and that showed a CGI mockup of Trump that got his hair blown back by a very strong gush of wind.

About two years ago, we were telling you of the five styles women hate the most in men. Comb-overs were among them, with Donald Trump offered as the example one should never follow. As we also said back then, public figures with money and power, who get plenty of exposure and have made trademarks of very unlikely items, (like Donald did with his hair and Hugh Hefner with his bathrobe) can afford to rock them. For the regular bloke, though, they might be considered miserable fails.

Below is the video of Donald Trump showing Ryan Seacrest his hairline and confirmation that he’s not wearing a headpiece as reports would have it.