The owners were left in shock as the dog disappeared at the end of the cliff

Dec 23, 2013 21:16 GMT  ·  By

Iggy the collie fell from a 300ft (91.5 meters) cliff in Beachy Head, East Sussex while chasing some seagulls. As if the dog had nine lives, he surprised his owners after surviving such a plunge without any signs of injuries.

The dog's owners, Claire Morris and husband Mark Russel, were walking Iggy when he started chasing some birds on the cliff. In a few moments, the animal disappeared under the shocked couple's eyes, who described the event like something from a cartoon.

The couple started looking after the dog until they saw a tiny spot walking around the beach, “It was high tide. I had no idea how he survived. He must have landed in the water in just the right place and at the right angle,” Mrs. Morris said according to Daily Mail.

Excited over chasing birds, the dog didn't notice the end of the cliff and disappeared from his owners' sight, falling down an astonishing 300 feet. Many dogs have lost their lives falling from the cliff, Iggy being the first one to survive since 2010.

After the fall, the dog was a bit overwhelmed and in shock, but no signs of severe injuries were present. Claire and Mark learned their lesson and decided not to risk letting the collie off his leash, especially in such dangerous areas. Even if they were feet away from the edge of the cliff, the dog disappeared in a the blink of an eye.

The collie must have had a traumatic experience falling from such a distance, which was proved by the fact that when he was taken back to that particular spot by his owners, Iggy was more than nervous and agitated. Hopefully, this will also serve the dog as a lesson, and he will not venture around catching birds on cliff ends, because even if he is rumored to be the cat-dog with nine lives, he might not be this lucky next time.