Focus on foods that are good for your hair, face and nails

Jan 30, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By
We should start eating for our skin, hair, nails and teeth as well, experts say
   We should start eating for our skin, hair, nails and teeth as well, experts say

We hear so frequently that we should always watch what we eat and that we should keep count of the daily calorie intake that we often forget that certain foods are extremely beneficial not only for our health, but also for our physical appearance. Doctors say that we should focus precisely on these foods for the best “edible beauty treatment” there is, and skip the calorie count for once.

Lisa Drayer, M.A., R.D., is an expert beautritionist and author of “The Beauty Diet,” and she’s here to tell us that we can save up on money we’d spend on cosmetics and other treatments by just eating right. For once, the calorie count does not matter, since this is all in the name of beauty – however, as expected, moderation is advised. The trick to balancing the beautifying effects of these “miracle” foods and our diet is to have them replace unhealthy ones, like fatty and processed foods.

To have great face skin, Drayer says, forget about throwing away money on creams and lotions that contain countless chemicals and also make a hole in our wallet. Instead, we should drink plenty of water and green tea. Since the skin is 70% water, she explains, keeping it properly hydrated should be a priority if we want it to look good. Green tea is known to contain polyphenols, which virtually make it a “portable sunscreen,” as Drayer puts it.  

To have long, healthy and good-looking nails, the beautritionist advises us to eat plenty of spinach and yogurt. Spinach is “rich in essential B vitamins,” and they are believed to help nails grown, while yogurt is renowned for its calcium and protein content. Making sure to integrate it in our daily diet will guarantee healthy and strong nails, since they will no longer break easily from the lack of calcium. Drayer also recommends fish and beans for gorgeous hair, since fish ensures the necessary protein intake for an awesome mane, while also “provid[ing] shine-enhancing omega-3s” that no amount of conditioner can guarantee. As for beans, Drayer says that “some experts believe stomach build-up leads to hair problems, so flush your system with fiber (bonus, beans also have hair-healthy iron).”

For a wonderful, healthy smile, the beautritionist recommends cereal, a great source of vitamin D that helps our body better absorb calcium, and apples, which increase saliva secretion, thus protecting the teeth against cavities and decay. As actress Catherine Zeta Jones also said, apples cleanse the teeth - so we should replace the usual post-dinner chewing gum with an apple or some strawberries for an “instant brush.”