Depression is a serious disease which can change the whole life of an individual if left untreated; on the other hand, when discovered and diagnosed, it can be treated and eradicated

Sep 18, 2006 14:47 GMT  ·  By

In a public education campaign entitled 'The Depression Is Real', American experts warn about the serious outcomes depression may bring about and try to make population become more aware of the fact that the emotional and affective disorder is 'for real'. Despite the fact that statistics show that about 19 million American people suffer from depression yearly, the population ignores the serious consequences of the condition and tend to consider it 'an imaginary disease' or 'just the blues.'

Altha J. Stewart, MD, President of the American Psychiatric Foundation stated: "Our research shows that many Americans don't realize that depression is a biologically-based disease - in fact, a third of all Americans believe that mental illnesses like depression are caused by emotional or personal weaknesses, and almost that number think they are caused by old age alone. We believe we have a responsibility to tell the public the truth about depression - one based on scientific evidence and clinical research, not made-up 'facts' or wishful thinking."

The 'Depression is Real' Coalition was sponsored and sustained by a great number of very important psychological foundations and associations, among which: the American Psychiatric Foundation (subsidiary of the American Psychiatric Association), the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the National Medical Association, the National Mental Health Association, the National Urban League etc.

All the experts involved in the campaign stated that they did their best when trying to convince population in the USA and worldwide that depression is not just a "myth" condition. Even if most individuals tend to believe that being under the weather or feeling the blues from time to time is somehow natural, researchers strenuously warned that depression is a very serious disease, which may bring about devastating outcomes if left untreated.

Besides the miserable states one has to go through when suffering from depression and the innumerable cases of suicide caused by the severe emotional and affective disorder, medical based studies show that it can lead to the destruction of brain cells connections, therefore affecting every single aspect of a person's life. Researchers highlighted, at the same time, the fact that - when discovered and diagnosed - depression can be treated and 'the evil can be smothered.'

Sue Bergeson, President of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance cautioned: "Trivializing depression as a passing mood or, worse, an imaginary illness can discourage those who need treatment from seeking help. That's not just counterproductive - it's downright dangerous because depression is the principal cause of suicide worldwide, killing more people than homicides and terrorism combined." She also added: "This campaign is critical because more education and awareness can help deter needless deaths and the years of suffering that precedes them."