All about cyber-security, here!

Oct 8, 2007 08:40 GMT  ·  By

A lot of people are facing penetration problems nowadays and even though many refuse to admit it, everyone who has a connection to the Internet has had this issue at least once. The problem is that normal users can't always tell if their security has been breached or if they are part of a vulnerable network. Sure, if you have security software properly deployed, then you should be out of trouble, but sometimes hackers are so skilled that they can bypass your cyber-defense system and you won't even know it.

So, if you are really more than a simple user and wish to find out what is really going on with computer security, then you can deploy a penetration testing toolkit. Inguma 0.0.4 is a free tool that will help you on this matter. The latest version has just been launched this month and it fixes many bugs that prior versions had, plus, it also comes up with new modules.

Inguma is a free penetration testing and vulnerability discovery toolkit entirely written in python. As described on SourceForge, its modules include but are not limited to host discovering, info gathering, target fuzzing, brute force credentials, exploits and a disassembler. You may download it from here if it sounds interesting to you.

If you have been familiar with the prior versions of Inguma, then you'll be delighted to find out that this newer version has a lot of improvements. The guys at the Professional Security Testers Warehouse have written about it and its fixes in a very techie language. If you wish to get more information just click on this link.

In my opinion, this program is addressed to the more advanced users and can prove to be pretty useful if you know how to use it. As for the rest of you, well - just stick to simpler security measures, and you'll still be pretty safe!