It seems that fans weren't pleased with the changes made to the protagonist

Jan 6, 2012 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Ninja Theory, the developer of the upcoming DmC: Devil May Cry reboot, has confirmed that the decision to drastically change Dante’s looks made fans of the protagonist so upset that some even sent death threats to the UK-based studio.

Capcom’s Devil May Cry series is popular all around the world, thanks to its hack and slash mechanics and its unforgettable protagonist, Dante, who’s a favorite among many gamers.

As you can imagine, the upcoming reboot of the series, which is made by studio Ninja Theory and features a drastically changed version of Dante, wasn’t exactly to everyone’s liking, generating heated debates on the web.

While Ninja Theory’s Tameem Antoniades expected some intense feedback, according to his interview with OXM, the developer was quite surprised when he got imaginative death threats from Devil May Cry fans.

“I have to say that it has been pretty eye opening to see some of the creative ways in which people have chosen to vent their hatred. We didn't expect death threats in comic book form or anti-DmC death metal songs!"

However, the feedback has gotten better as more and more gameplay footage has been released by the studio, with Antoniades saying that the number of hate-filled messages has gone down lately.

"It's pretty hard for me to back the decisions we made without showing actual gameplay to the public. So until that time comes, and it will come soon, I just have to put up with the rage. Though I must say, lots of people have come and said that they are now interested in DmC whereas they had previously lost interest in the series. We'll see how this plays out."

He also highlights that Ninja Theory wants to stay true to the essence of the Devil May Cry series, so fans needn’t worry about some of its changed aspects, from Dante’s looks to the new setting of Eden City, a location that constantly changes and challenges the protagonist and the player.

As of yet, however, DmC: Devil May Cry still doesn’t have a release date, although fans of the series can enjoy the Devil May Cry HD Collection on April 3, for the PS3 and Xbox 360.