The marine animals came to shore to breed, were unable to return to the water

Jul 17, 2013 16:11 GMT  ·  By

Greenheads in Florida have thus far rescued 23 sea turtles that came to shore to breed and failed to find their way back to the water.

The turtles were found by conservationists working with the Mote Marine Lab Sea Turtle Patrol, who say that, given the animals' large body size, guiding them back to the water was not an easy thing to do.

In 2011, just 15 turtles needed help returning to their home in the ocean after coming ashore to lay their eggs. In 2012, merely 10 such marine creatures found themselves in these unfortunate circumstances.

According to The Examiner, some conservationists suspect that something is upsetting the turtles’ sense of orientation. However, they cannot say what this “something” is.

“The state of Florida hosts 90 percent of sea turtle nesting in the United States. What happens on the beaches is vital to our sea turtle population,” David Godfrey, the current executive director of the Sea Turtle Conservancy, wishes to stress.