Use modern warfare to defend your castle

Jun 30, 2010 08:02 GMT  ·  By

This is a Castle Defense map built using the Ashenvale tileset with a size of 160x64 of which 148x52 playable. The goal of the game is to destroy the three main structures of your enemies, before they destroy yours. There will be a limited number of structures you can build so make sure you tech-up your units.

You can build structures using the worker located in the base (they can't leave the base). There are five different types of structures to be built: - Center (air, tank and infantry) - The center cannot spawn units, but without it, you cannot build spawners. Also from here you can upgrade units of a certain type. - Spawners (air, tank and infantry) - These buildings will spawn units every round. Every unit has a special attack and a weakness, so be sure to think before you build. Some units have special passive skills that can prove to be very useful in combat (heal, increased attack speed, purge). - Towers - This structure is only used for defending the base. As a feature: when a tower kills an enemy unit, gold will be awarded. - Hospital - This is a very convenient building that can heal units from all over the battlefield. It's quite expensive (1,200 gold) and requires a base upgrade. - Observatory - The most important feature of this building is its ability to cast Orbital-Strike, which automatically obliterates one enemy structure.

The units are among the most important aspects of the game. They can attack or even defend the base, so it's crucial to keep them well upgraded. All units will spawn at the start of the round from spawners.

The income is the Gold that you earn every round. It can be increased by owning more structures and performing upgrades to units or buildings. Disastrous War is similar to Castle Fight, except for the high-tech units and reward system. If you can't find friends to fight against you, then try the AI that will prove to be a very difficult opponent.

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