Batman will be “tired and weary,” will obviously need a sidekick

Nov 9, 2013 11:22 GMT  ·  By

First, we hear that Wonder Woman will be appearing with Batman in Zack Snyder’s sequel to “Man of Steel,” “Batman vs. Superman;” now, word has it that Robin / Nightwing might also be making an appearance.

Latino Review has the scoop that Warner Bros. is looking for a young John Hawkes-type of actor for the role of Dick Grayson, the real identity of Batman’s most famous sidekick.

Having Robin in the film would make sense, considering that the studio has already confirmed that Ben Affleck’s Batman will be a “tired and weary” superhero. That is to say, he will need whatever help he’ll be able to get.

Another rumor making the rounds that LR has not been able to confirm yet is that the story of “Man of Steel 2” picks up after a falling out between Batman and Robin, and they will reconnect when the former realizes he’s no longer in top shape. Again, in this context, it would make sense to bring Robin along as well.

Until we have confirmation that either Wonder Woman or Robin are actually in the film, I’ll just leave you with this: doesn’t this second installment in the new Superman franchise start to look like a different version of “The Avengers” with all these superheroes coming together?

“Batman vs. Superman” will be out on July 17, 2015.