Players can check out an item’s stats without identifying it first

Jul 17, 2012 12:44 GMT  ·  By

Diablo 3 players have uncovered a new exploit in the popular role-playing dungeon crawler, this time relating to unidentified items (UnID), which, through a certain procedure, can practically let players see their stats without identifying them first.

Diablo 3 has been around for over 2 months and developer Blizzard has been working hard on patching all vulnerabilities in order to keep the game as fair as possible.

Sadly, players have uncovered a new exploit that relates to unidentified items and can allow someone to see a special code that reveals their stats without actually identifying the item.

For example, a player can uncover a rare or legendary item that needs to be identified before you can actually compare it with others or see its stats. In order to do so, without actually identifying the item, they need to follow a simple process that’s been explained below, via Reddit.

“Start a chat line, in party, whatever. Link your item. Follow that immediately with two special characters, for example ëë. Then link the same item again. Put the cursor in between the two ë's. Press delete three times. Instead of deleting the entire [Name of item] it will just delete the [ and it will expose the item code.”

The item code is a long line of numbers and symbols but players have already uncovered what every piece of it means, so all you need to do is pay attention in order to check out its stats without identifying it.

While this exploit doesn’t seem that important, many players are selling unidentified items in public matches for small sums of gold.

Thanks to this exploit, players who are taking advantage of the system can check out the UnID items without buying them, see how their stats compare to their own, and then get it for a smaller price instead of buying an already-identified item. The gear can then be identified and re-sold on the Auction House for a profit.

As of yet, Blizzard hasn’t talked about this new vulnerability.