Gamers need to understand the importance of origins and classes

Apr 17, 2013 06:55 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bungie is advising gamers to pay attention to the character selection process for the upcoming Destiny because player avatars will continue to evolve in interesting ways as the game progresses.

Joseph Staten, a design director working on the game, tells AusGamers that, “I would say choosing who you want to be in the world is a really important part of the game. First of all, whether you want to be a female robot hunter, or a male awoken Titan.”

It’s unclear whether Bungie has plans to make character selection final or whether the game will offer ways to change them for those players who are disappointed with their initial choices.

He adds, “Those choices are really important, but we also want to make sure that, over time, you grow this character in new and unexpected ways, and the armour you find and the weapons you find become a part of you, too, and those evolve as well.”

Staten then emphasizes that Destiny is designed to offer interesting long-term choices for the player base and that it will have to progress in the game in order to see their effects.

The core mechanics for the new Bungie game will be linked to the first-person shooter genre, but the developers also want players to explore an interesting world and interact with a cast of characters that have depth.

The story will be linked to one last city on Earth that’s protected by a mysterious alien ship.

Destiny will be launched during 2014 on the PlayStation 4, the older Sony home consoles, the Xbox 360 and the next-gen device from Microsoft.

It’s unclear whether Bungie is also planning a PC version of the game.

The first title is part of a trilogy that will use the same universe and might allow players to continue playing the same character.