The spiritual sequel benefited from the same approach

Jan 24, 2013 00:41 GMT  ·  By

One of the main developers behind Demon’s Soul believes that the game was a surprise success because it was created with the needs of the core gaming public in mind and avoided adding features in order to satisfy the marketing department.

Hidetaka Miyazaki, the creator of the game universe, answered a question from the PlayStation Blog by saying, “This game was designed and created to directly focus at the core essence that lies within ‘game lovers’ that commonly exist all around the world, instead of focusing on matching gamer preferences according to markets such as Japan, US, Europe or Asia.”

The team worked hard during the creation of Demon’s Soul to make sure that all game mechanics were linked to the core gamer.

Miyazaki adds, “I would like to cherish the Demon’s Souls that has been enjoyed and grown along with the fans. I do have some regret, and points that could have been improved on, but I will keep this in mind for any additional future opportunities.”

At the moment, From Software and Sony are looking to extend the life of the game by launching it on the PlayStation Store and by improving the server support.

The game was first launched in early 2009 in Japan and many reviewers praised it for its hardcore nature and interesting fantasy world.

The action role-playing game only arrived in North America in late autumn and it took another six months for a European release.

Since then, From Software has launched a spiritual successor called Dark Souls, which performed even better and a sequel is now in development.

Some long-term fans are worried that the new game will be watered down in order to appeal to a wider array of players, but the development team promises that the same hardcore experience will sit at the heart of Dark Souls 2.