Aug 5, 2011 07:42 GMT  ·  By

She was once the typical Disney, squeaky-clean star. Back in 2010, Demi Lovato’s image took a serious hit as aspects of her personal life became so scandalous that they inevitably surfaced in the press. The singer opens up about all that in the latest issue of Elle magazine.

At the time, Demi was going through her worst: having just ended a relationship with Joe Jonas when she already had serious issues with dealing with the amount of attention that comes with being a Disney star, she just snapped.

Reports of erratic behavior backstage at her and the Jonas Brothers’ tour, talk of diva antics and one particular incident in which she punched a former friend of hers, Alex Welch, on board a plane, all painted the picture of Demi’s breakdown.

“I was completely out of line all summer,” the star says now for Elle. “Just the worst attitude – totally ungrateful,” she adds.

Proof of that is punching Alex so hard she was actually knocked out of her seat. “I just felt like she’d betrayed me. That’s the bottom line,” she says.

It was then that Demi realized she needed help, that she couldn’t continue like this without hurting those close to her and, of course, herself.

“When you punch someone on a plane, enough is enough. Right after, I texted my mom and just said, ‘I’m sorry’,” she explains.

Shortly afterwards, she was in rehab, pulling out of all her contractual engagements to focus on herself for once. She emerged healthy and ready to open about her problems, in the hope that other teens going through the same will realize they need help before they do something as drastic as she did.

Since then, Lovato has been speaking out about her eating disorders, her self-harming and her other emotional issues. She also released a song inspired from that terrible time in her life, “Skyscraper.”

For more on Demi’s interview with Elle, see here.