Star says she's relieved to finally have an explanation for some things

May 31, 2012 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Ever since coming out of rehab, Demi Lovato has been very open about the many issues she could no longer deal with on her own, that pushed her to seek professional help. In the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, she admits she has bipolar disorder as well.

The Lovatics, her loyal fans, must already know that Demi is very frank when it comes to her troubled years as a teen and the many issues she developed while trying to cope with the pressure of fame.

Drugs, eating disorders, cutting herself, underage drinking and very low self-esteem – she's had and done it all.

Speaking with Cosmo, Demi notes that her destructive behavior can be explained, at least partly, by having bipolar disorder.

It was a relief to hear the diagnosis, she tells the mag.

“I felt relieved when I found out. Like I’m not completely crazy; there’s a medical reason for all of it,” she says.

Even so, recovery is not an easy thing and, as she noted on a previous occasion as well, Demi takes it on a day by day basis, setting realistic goals for herself.

“It’s a daily thing; you don’t get time off from it. And if I feel myself slipping back into old patterns, I have to ask others for help, which is hard for me to learn, because I really like doing everything on my own,” she explains.

Whatever plans Demi makes these days, they're meant to be accomplished in the distant future, like that of having a family which, she believes, will happen in about 10 years.

“I don’t have many deal breakers,” she says of her dating rules.

“I’ve done so much in my life, it doesn’t feel right to judge other people. Oh, I know one quality I won’t tolerate. I would never be with a guy who is controlling,” Demi adds.

Demi's fans will be able to see much more of her, since she signed to be one of the four judges on season 2 of the X Factor USA, joining Simon Cowell, L.A. Reid and Britney Spears.