Mar 11, 2011 10:25 GMT  ·  By

Analysts have been publishing their findings regarding the Q4, 2010 financial situation on the IT market, and it seems that Dell was found to have distanced itself from Acer on the global PC segment.

During the October-December period of 2010, Dell was able to increase its PC market share and place a distance between it and Acer of 1.9%.

This was a significant jump from the 0.4% that it had secured during the previous three-month period (July-September).

This was, for the most part, owed to the fact that Acer's market share dropped by 12.9 percent, as Dell's own quarterly shipments stayed mostly flat.

This marks the third consecutive quarter of Del succeeding in holding the second position as worldwide PC supplier.

The position was secured in Q2, 2010, and the whole year ended with Dell showing off an edge of 0.7% over Acer.

One of the indirect reasons behind this development is the Apple iPad, along with all other tablets, which caused Acer's sales to drop, since it dealt highly in netbooks, who suffered because of the new device type.

“A little more than one year after a prolonged decline in shipments caused Dell to lose its customary second-place ranking to rival Acer, Dell now seems to have regained a firm hold on the No. 2 rank,” said Matthew Wilkins, principal analyst, compute platforms, for IHS.

“Acer in the third quarter of 2009 had surged to the No. 2 spot on the strength of its strong sales of netbook PCs to consumers and a generally buoyant consumer market. However, with momentum for consumer PCs waning and in light of growing competition from media tablets, Acer’s gains have been reversed.”

Other things mentioned by the iSuppli press release are the facts that desktops began to sell well again, especially in the corporate sector, and that the overall PC market grew overall.