The new online free-to-play RPG allows traveling back in time

Dec 30, 2013 08:06 GMT  ·  By

Deep Down, the free-to-play online RPG from Capcom coming exclusively for the PlayStation 4, has just received some fresh details about its story, including a description, but also about its mechanics and weapons.

Deep Down was confirmed as a medieval fantasy game at the beginning of the year for the PS4, but Capcom soon confirmed that a part of the action would take place in the future, as it involves traveling through time as well as an online mechanic.

Now, after admiring a brand new trailer and a few new details, DualShockers has just posted the translation of a game's new story description, confirming the core premise but also the mechanics that will allow traveling to the past.

"The stage of the story is New York in 2094. A member of the Ravens with the ability to read the residual thoughts that dwell on items earns his livings by clarifying the story from archaeological sites of ancient cultures," the story description reads.

"At one point in an excavation in the Czech Republic some ruins from the late 15th century are found. The presence of a mysterious city and the memories of an ancient civilization can be found in the site. The hero receives the request to investigate the ruins and to read its memories."

What's more, the website also translated some fresh details from a Japanese magazine, confirming that players will be able to wield in the new free-to-play online game greatswords that deal high damage in broad sweeps.

Dungeon exploration will play a big role in the core gameplay, but using special "feelings" called Memento, players will be able to enhance their weapons and armor, but also their environment.

The online aspect will be incorporated into the dungeon exploration, as players can find the corpses of other players and even loot them for different rewards, although it's unclear if they'll actually steal their equipment.

As of yet, however, Capcom is still keeping its cards close to its chest in terms of details about Deep Down, so expect to hear more in the New Year.