The man makes it hard for people to like him

Oct 29, 2014 08:39 GMT  ·  By
Dean McDermott does a bit of adult toy and lingerie shopping while Tori is in the hospital
   Dean McDermott does a bit of adult toy and lingerie shopping while Tori is in the hospital

Just last week, Dean McDermott came forward and gave a heartbreaking interview in which he begged people to stop calling him a “monster” just because he had cheated on his wife, Tori Spelling. The reality star pointed out that many men cheat on their wives, as if that somehow made it OK.

Today, Dean gets yet another black ball as he is photographed leaving an adult store, while his wife is known to be still in hospital in quarantine. Last week, Tori posted a tearful message from her hospital bed, which made it seem like Dean had abandoned her. She felt miserable and alone.

Dean is photographed leaving lingerie and adult entertainment shop, Tori is still in the hospital, unconsoled

And while all of this was going on, Dean was shopping for lingerie and adult toys. The photo on FishWrapper shows Dean casually stepping out of the store with a bag in hand, presumably with his new purchase which may or may not be for Tori.

After all, the man has already been accused of fooling around on his wife, so it shouldn't be a stretch of the imagination if he bought some light entertainment for himself and an unidentified lady friend.

Tori has made a big case of his infidelity on the True Tori reality series and she's been crying in just about every episode and trailer for the show, always hinting at divorce but then suddenly magically changing her mind in the process.

Dean is to blame for Tori's current depression, but he doesn't seem to care

It's no wonder that she's suffered a mental breakdown that has put her in the hospital, but while she's struggling to come to terms with her marriage, Dean doesn't seem to have the same issues. He's more focused on living his life and enjoying it, although he tells the media that he's tired of being the bad guy.

One year ago, Dean's cheating was revealed when a woman named Emily Goodhand, who has incidentally never been heard from again, stepped forward to reveal that she had spent an amorous weekend with Dean.

No one has ever seen this woman or talked to her, apart from an interview she gave on the matter, but Tori saw photos of her and claimed that she was not even pretty, which made her doubt her husband even more, believe it or not.

Of course, there's no denying that the couple is choosing to parade their lives on camera for the money, but when Dean is caught shopping for adult toys and entertainment while his wife lingers in the hospital, one can't help but wonder what sort of man does that.