Solutions are well within reach, the celebrity argues

Oct 16, 2012 07:25 GMT  ·  By

For those unaware, today marks World Food Day. Therefore, it need not come as a surprise that both famous people and some average folk wish to use the opportunity and draw attention to issues such as hunger and its effects on various groups of people worldwide.

Thus, David Beckham has decided to use his fame and raise awareness with respect to how, due to the lack of proper nutrients, as many as 170 million children around the world are presently suffering from stunting.

Stunting is basically a retardation in the development of a child's organism, and occurs when the mother lacks access to a well-balanced and properly put together diet.

Because of this, she simply cannot provide her infant with the nutrients it needs in order to grow.

“Stunting is what happens when a child doesn’t get the right nutrients in their first 1,000 days of life. The damage to a child’s brain and body is permanent. They will never learn as much as they could if they had received the right food from the start — it can mean up to three years loss of schooling,” explains David Beckham in his report on this matter.

Furthermore, “As a father of four, I cannot sit on the sidelines when millions of children are suffering needlessly, especially when we know simple and inexpensive solutions can stop stunting and help save and change children’s lives.”

In case anyone was wondering, the solutions David Beckham is speaking about consist in providing both mother and their children with vitamin supplements, seeing to it that babies are breastfed throughout their first six months of life and pushing towards ending the food crisis presently affecting various human communities.

According to this UNICEF ambassador, the media has thus far failed to give the issue of stunted children the attention it deserves.

However, there is hope that, thanks to David Beckham's involvement in this ongoing “silent crisis,” things could soon take a turn for the better.