Contestants on the show will pay homage to the late actor

Sep 17, 2009 13:29 GMT  ·  By
Dancing With the Stars to include tribute to Patrick Swayze inspired from “Dirty Dancing”
   Dancing With the Stars to include tribute to Patrick Swayze inspired from “Dirty Dancing”

Patrick Swayze, star of “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost,” passed away a few days ago after an almost two-year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was one of the few A-listers able to combine acting and dancing so well, which is why Dancing With the Stars Executive Producer Conrad Green has decided to honor him in an upcoming edition of the show, as People magazine has learned.

The final dance scene in the 1987 cult classic “Dirty Dancing” is now legendary, as also are several other segments in the film, when the two protagonists are rehearsing. Reports in the media say that producers behind the successful DWTS show will have contestants learn some dances that were featured in the film and will be included in the show at a later time, in an upcoming edition.

“We have some very fond memories of [the late actor] coming to help us our when we were a tiny little show way back when.” Dancing’s Executive Producer Conrad Green says for People magazine. “[Swayze] made a guest appearance on Dancing’s inaugural US season in 2005, teaching friend and fellow actor John O’Hurley a few dance moves in rehearsal. He also came to the show and supported O’Hurley by attending the season 1 finale.” People further says to explain the actor’s involvement in the popular, televised dancing competition.

“He was one of the few people to integrate dance with being an A-list actor. He inspired many people and many of our pros to dance. We want to honor the great moments he’s brought to film by getting our dancers to do their interpretation to some music from his films.” Green further explains. As of now, other details have not been made available, but the tribute segment is believed to be included on the show that will air on September 23.

Since more info on this is bound to emerge in the next few days, make sure you keep an eye on this space for updates.