Nov 29, 2010 18:52 GMT  ·  By

Dailymotion, the European online video outfit, is seeing some impressive growth with traffic surging in the past six months, according to the company. The number of unique visitors grew by almost 50 percent since May and is getting close to 100 million monthly visitors.

According to comScore numbers, released by the video site itself, traffic in October was 93 million unique visitors. That's up from 64 million as early as May this year, an impressive feat for the five-year-old video site.

"Dailymotion has remained focused on offering the best experience for our users, partners and advertisers, and we are very proud of our strong growth record of leadership in the online video industry," Cedric Tournay, CEO of Dailymotion, said.

"We’re elated that our strategy of offering curated, top-quality alongside best-in-class Web video technology continues attract viewers all around the world," he added.

While it's in no position to challenge YouTube, it's probably as close as anyone globally, and has a very strong position in several key markets.

It is very popular in France, it's country of origin, of course, but the emphasis on localization early on has helped it make way or at least stay not far behind Google's mammoth video site in several countries.

The site says its approach of catering to the community as well as providing an avenue for professional content is paying off through the influx of new visitors. Dailymotion also says that its popularity on social networks contributed to the growth.

In terms of usage, it's also doing pretty well with over one billion video views per month at this point. The number is impressive, if you don't take YouTube into the picture.

The Google-owned video site passed over the two billion views per day mark early this year. It also has significantly more visitors in the US alone than Dailymotion globally.