A patch might be delivered later during January for ther FPS

Jan 4, 2012 22:41 GMT  ·  By

Alan Kertz, who is a core gameplay designer working at DICE on the first person shooter Battlefield 3, has launched a discussion on Reddit, seeking feedback from players on a number of changes that the development team is aiming to make to the accessories side of the equipment loadaout.

The DICE developer says that, “I'm working on a retweak of the accessories in the game currently, as I feel the player is limited in choice due to a few accessories being the clear winners in almost all categories. While this unfortunately means nerfing those that are over used, the goal here is to focus on improving the under performing and under used attachments.”

He also says that, “an unmodified weapon to offer the best balance of Recoil, Accuracy, and Stealth. Right now this is preliminary, I've already asked for feedback on different attachments, and there's several good threads here and on Battlelog that discuss the weapons. Again, I'm not promising this will go live, and I'm not promising there will be an update, I'm looking for feedback and a discussion.”

The Reddit thread is pretty interesting as it shows how players are approaching the same problem, offering both suggestions and criticism of the DICE ideas.

Kertz has not said when DICE might launch the accessory focused patch for Battlefield 3 but even the discussion seems far from over, which probably means that gamers will have to wait a little before getting access to it.

Battlefield 3 has performed very well during the last few months of 2011, managing to challenge the choke hold that Call of Duty, the series from Activision Blizzard, has had over the first person shooter genre.

Publisher Electronic Arts has promised that DICE will continue to deliver more content for the game while also tweaking aspects of the multiplayer experience in order to make sure that players are interested in playing for a long time.