Home-made CCAPs by Italian programmer "asder00" are out

Nov 28, 2011 10:10 GMT  ·  By

Here's one nifty piece of news for all the hardcore gamers out there dying to get the best from their PCs: an Italian programmer going by the Internet nickname asder00 has already made no less than six custom Catalyst Application Profiles,  with the newest ones (obviously) dubbed  v0.5 and v0.6.

The v0.5 custom CCAP has already been tested with AMD Catalyst Driver 11.11b, while the v0.6 is still undergoing tuning.

The creator of these CCAPs, asder00, also declares that he is willing to try and include profiles for more games upon request from his Guru3D forum fellows: "I'm not gonna explain a lot about it for now, but if you currently have a game without CrossFire support and using Radeon Pro or renaming method to force another profile to get scaling, this thread might be interesting for you.

Also if you have a game without CrossFire support, but failed with Radeon Pro/ renaming or you don't know how/ don't have the will to do it, I can maybe try that for you (depends if I can get hold of the game)."

You can download the CCAPs by asder00:

Custom Catalyst Application Profile v.05 (tested with 11.11b) Custom Catalyst Application Profile v0.6.