The Current table is an eco-friendly device that was inspired by the workings of nature

Mar 12, 2014 10:48 GMT  ·  By

In the modern era, traditional furniture is being slowly replaced by multi-modal pieces capable of providing more than support to your plates and cups. At some point, we told you about the Android coffee table, which enabled users to play games or watch video even as they were devouring a cookie.

Anyway, today we’ll be talking about a new type of table, one that’s eco-friendly and capable of absorbing solar energy from the environment. And it is doing so for a very good reason, as the invention is capable of relaying that energy to your mobile devices.

Energy-minded designer Marjan van Aubel has partnered up with Solaronix to bring us the Current Tablet concept. This table uses inexpensive dye solar cells which use a process that can be compared to photosynthesis, in order to capture the energy of the sun.

Dye solar cells might not be so well known as the traditional photovoltaics, but they are capable of absorbing indirect light, which is why they can be used in indoor environments.

Basically, the tablet panel is made of dye solar cells that can absorb ambient light and natural light in case that reaches it. The designer has hidden a few pocket USB ports bellow the upper edge of the frame, so users can easily plug in their devices for a quick refill. Would you find such a table useful?

Current Table is capable of mimicking photosyntesis
Current Table is capable of mimicking photosyntesis

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Current Table can charge your mobile devices
Current Table is capable of mimicking photosyntesis
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