Sony tells you how

Oct 10, 2008 23:11 GMT  ·  By

Resistance 2 is presented by Sony Computer Entertainment of America and is one of the most important titles to arrive on the PlayStation 3 this year. Resistance: Retribution is a spin off game designed to help the PlayStation Portable attract bigger sales. The two games are part of the same franchise and the PSP and the PS3 are known to be able to connect to each other, so the developers thought of creating a new game mode which would only be available if you own both Resistance 2 and Retribution and if you connect them.

As detailed by John Garvin, the co-director of the Bend Studio, which is part of SCEA, the process is rather simple. All you will have to do will be to connect the gaming console and the handheld using a USB cable. Once you have done that, the Resistance 2 Options screen will have a new option, called “Infect Your PSP!”. Once selected, you will gain access to the all new Infected mode.

This mode actually creates an alternate storyline inside the one of the Resistance universe. In this universe, Grayson is recruited by Specter Lieutenant David LaSalle and then infected with a mutated version of the Chimeran virus, which is a very different version from the one that infected Nathan Hale.

In this mode, Grayson will wear a Specter uniform and will also have glowing Chimeran eyes. The HE .44 Magnum, a weapon that is exclusive to the new Resistance 2, will be available, firing explosive rounds that can be then triggered via remote. The character also gains access to regenerative health and can breathe under water. Plasma Grenades can also be unlocked if a new class of Intelligence data is found throughout the levels.

Connecting the PSP and the PlayStation 3 will also allow you to play Resistance: Retribution using the DualShock 3 controller, which means higher challenges because there will be no aim assist.