LaserCUSING now supported by the build processor

Nov 21, 2014 13:37 GMT  ·  By

Metal 3D printing technology is one of the most expensive but also most valuable types of 3D printing technology on the market. Concept Laser has been comfortably making a living off it, and now expects to advance even faster thanks to Materialise.

Concept Laser is the company that invented the X line 1000R metal 3D printer, used in the aerospace, automotive, medical, dental, mold-making and jewelry industries. Extensively too.

Selective laser sintering may be expensive to get to work, but it definitely pays off once the printer is ready to start work.

All that the owners have to do afterwards (besides maintaining the machine of course) is make sure that they have a constant supply of powders on hand.

SLS works by melting powder together according to a model transmitted electronically from a PC or other machine capable of holding a three-dimensional object in memory.

Concept Laser is now working with Materialise

Materialise is an even bigger name on the 3D printing market from what we've seen. As far as media coverage and the consumer market is concerned at least.

One of their greatest achievements was the creation of the Build Processor software, which was only available in two versions until not long ago: EOS Build Processor and SLM Build Processor.

The software will improve user experience for owners of Concept Laser 3D printers, as well as add certain options like two-way communication between software and 3D printer, and a more streamlined data transfer.

Meanwhile, the machine will be able to give feedback, which users can storage and use. Slice-based technology is another asset, as it allows large files with metadata on texturing and structures to better be processed. This is especially important as the X line 1000R has a very large build chamber.

All in all, it sounds like Materialise is living up to its word that the build processor program strengthens the core focus of its clients.

About LaserCUSING technology

As the video below will show you, laserCUSING is a laser melting process that leaves an object with “nearly perfect” material properties. All the while, users have complete freedom when choosing shapes, no matter how complex, up to and including hollow or grid structures.

And there is no waste produced, or near enough that the leftover is truly negligible, so the SLS printing technology is green as well.

Add to that the natural time-to-prototyping and time-to-market advantages of additive manufacturing and things can only improve from here.

SLS metal printing improved (5 Images)

Concept Laser X line 1000R metal 3D printer
LaserCUSING sample printLaserCUSING commercial print