With this, not even phosphorescence is outside the purview of the technology

Jun 5, 2014 14:54 GMT  ·  By

Full-color 3D printing is a thing that seems to elude this field of technology. It's not the only one though. There are others, like glow-in-the-dark 3D printing.

Or, at least, that was true until the other day. Now, 3D printing technology, were it a living, sentient being, could have cause to jump for joy at gaining the ability to make phosphorescent things.

As it is, we, the common folk, will have to do the cheering ourselves, while ColorFabb basks in it.

You see, the ColorFabb people have invented a filament that glows in the dark.

We've seen them before, baubles that somehow get charged with light during the day and glow greenish during the night, at least for a few hours.

Now, ColorFabb has a filament, called GlowFill (originality abounds) that does the same thing.

As if PLA/PHA (compound), XT-Copolyester, and WoodFill (a wood-based filament) weren't already surprising enough (and they come in a whole bunch of colors).

There's another filament that ColorFabb released: BronzeFill, a metal filament whose name is about as self-explanatory as GlowFill.

They're been under testing for some time, and they will soon be joined by bambooFill. Only GlowFill is up for shipment though. BronzeFill can be pre-ordered, but will take a while to arrive.

ColorFabb BronzeFill 3D printing filament
ColorFabb BronzeFill 3D printing filament

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ColorFabb GlowFill 3D printing filament
ColorFabb BronzeFill 3D printing filament
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