But cola beverages do

Nov 9, 2005 11:53 GMT  ·  By

For women, drinking coffee can be a good thing, despite the common belief that this energizing drink causes hypertension, the researchers are saying.

"This is good news for women who enjoy drinking coffee", said study author Dr. Wolfgang Winkelmayer.

Women who drink coffee on a regular basis are not more prone to temporary or chronic hypertension; on the contrary, they might even get cardiovascular protection. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to caffeinated colas or diet ones, which have a negative effect on blood pressure.

Younger women who drank four or more cans or glasses of caffeinated, sugared cola each day were at a 28 percent increased risk of hypertension compared with women who drank one or less than one can or glass a day. Younger women who drank higher amounts of diet cola were at a 19 percent increased risk.

The researchers say that high blood pressure is most likely caused by another chemical compound, not the caffeine.

Recently, the scientists have made another surprising announcement by saying that Viagra is an efficient drug against blood pressure.

According to a statistic, one in six Americans are suffering from hypertension.