Gamers can find a new consciousness state or become cybernetically enhanced

Apr 14, 2014 23:15 GMT  ·  By

Civilization: Beyond Earth might have just been revealed by the development team at Firaxis but the company is already willing to offer details on many of the title’s aspects, including the five different ways that players will be able to complete a game.

Lena Brenk, one of lead producers working on Civilization: Beyond Earth, tells Gamespot that the victory conditions include:

- Harmony – will allow humanity to interact with a semi-sentient super organism linked to the alien planet that will push both towards a new level of consciousness; - Supremacy – allow all humans to augment themselves using cybernetic implants and then return to Earth to free all people from their physical bodies; - Purity – completely terraform the alien planet in order to create a complex image of Earth to which all the population of the cradle of humanity can be relocated; - Domination – destroy all other factions; - Contact – discover evident of sentient alien life and create the device that allows humans to make first content.

Three of the victory conditions are linked to affinities that each faction can develop over the course of Civilization: Beyond Earth by researching technology and probably performing various actions.

The victory conditions are more complex than in previous titles in the turn-based strategy series and Firaxis plans to create a system of quests that will guide the player and show him individual goals.

At the same time, they will be used in order to tell the game’s story, which the development team has not talked about.

Judging by the look of the victory conditions for Civilization: Beyond Earth, muh of the lore will probably be familiar to those who have played Alpha Centauri.

Lena Brenk adds, “Because we’re going into the future, it’s not as clear where humanity will end up. Players don’t know anything about it intuitively, so being able to give this narrative framework for the player to tell their story is really important to us. When the game is released, we want to go on the forums and read those awesome stories fans post about their game. We love that stuff.”

Turn-based strategy fans have been asking for a remake for Alpha Centauri for years and it will be interesting to see whether Firaxis can deliver an experience that matches that of the original title.

Civilization: Beyond Earth will be launched on the PC before the end of the year.