The service is available in the US, Canada and select APJC locations

Apr 22, 2014 14:24 GMT  ·  By

Cisco has announced the availability of Managed Threat Defense, a security solution that enables organizations to protect their networks against advanced threats by leveraging real-time predictive analytics.

Recent studies have shown that it takes many organizations months until they detect a data breach. Furthermore, Cisco’s annual security report has shown that most major organizations see traffic going to malware websites.

Effective security solutions are needed fast, particularly since it’s becoming more and more difficult to find skilled security staff. Cisco estimates that this year, the global shortage of security pros will reach over 1 million.

To address this gap, organizations must turn to external services. This is where the Managed Threat Defense service steps in.

Managed Threat Defense is an on-premises solution that encompasses not only hardware and software, but also analytics. These systems are designed to monitor the network for suspicious traffic, capture threats and analyze them.

The service is monitored by Cisco’s highly trained staff, which provides customers incident response analysis, escalation and remediation recommendations.

By capturing real-time streaming telemetry, the solution can help secure organizations against unknown threats, ones that classic security systems would probably miss.

Each organization has a unique network profile, but by leveraging Hadoop 2.0 to detect anomalous patterns based on predictive analytics, suspicious behavior can be quickly detected.

The service is subscription based, which cuts down on operation costs. Managed Threat Defense is powered by Cisco technologies such as Cisco Advanced Malware Protection, Source FirePOWER and Cisco Cloud Web Security. These systems are used for malware detection, threat detection, and email and web filtering respectively.

Pattern analysis and threat intelligence data from both Cisco and the community is utilized to identify known attacks and vulnerabilities.

“As data continues to move to the cloud, more people are accessing data via mobile devices, in addition to sharing data through social channels. Consequently, security has become our customers' number one concern,” noted Bryan Palma, SVP Cisco Security Solutions.

Palma continued, “Managed Threat Defense lessens the worry associated with protecting against a breach and allows Cisco and its partners to add value where customers need it most.”

The solution is available directly from Cisco or through partners in the Cisco Service Partner Program (CSPP) in the United States and Canada. The Managed Threat Defense service is also available in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and other select APJC (Asia Pacific, Japan and China) locations.