The singer hopes that this is going to make the birth easier for her and the baby

Jun 7, 2014 08:35 GMT  ·  By

There's not going to be just only one person bawling in the delivery room when Christina Aguilera gives birth to her baby. Reports are coming in that Christina has a very unique way of making the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved: her, the baby, and the medical staff.

Showbizspy claims that the singer is already planning to have a playlist of her own songs rolling in the background in the delivery room. And she's splitting it up according to the stages of the pregnancy process: there's a list for the labor, a list for the delivery, and possibly one post-birth.

A friend of hers is quoted as saying: “She says listening to her own music is relaxing. She hopes she’ll be able to sing along and create an easier transition for the baby as it comes into the world.”

And as if that wasn't enough, the same friend is saying that Christina won't be shying away from belting out a few notes during birth. With all the contractions and the pushing, she's bound to hit some high notes, so let's hope that there's going to be someone recording all of this, because it could very well be turned into a Greatest Hits Album: “Christina Aguilera, The Birth of a Pop Star.”

But that's not the only weird thing related to Christina Aguilera's recent pregnancy. The same source confirms that the singer has been having the weirdest of cravings: she only craves burnt food, and not just singed, but full-blown charred.

She's apparently been asking her fiancé Matt Rudler to burn up all her food before he serves it to her. “The other day, she went nuts for a plate of blackened BBQ” claims her friend, visibly amused by this weird culinary obsession.

The friend admits that even Aguilera is amused by her cravings and admits that they are strange. “She laughs about it, but she was also relieved when she found out this craving isn’t all that strange!”

As it turns out, Christina isn't the only pregnant woman out there who craves burnt food; it's actually more common than you'd think. Doctors don't really know what to think about this, but the general consensus is that a woman who craves charred foods is actually in need of carbon.

The only downside to such a craving is the fact that burnt food may contain carcinogenic chemicals, which are cancer-inducing. Burnt meat in particular is thought to contribute to breast and colon cancer.