Jul 13, 2011 09:31 GMT  ·  By

Shape Services, the makers of the popular instant messaging app IM+, are introducing a new service called Checkin+, the first all-in-one checkin app for Facebook Places and Foursquare with an augmented reality interface.

Shape says that with this many players of mobile check-in, the market is now ready for an innovative aggregation app.

“We developed CheckIn+ with an similar approach that IM+ has for instant messaging,” the company tells us.

“CheckIn+ is the first and only all-in-one checkin app for Foursquare and Facebook Places with a magic augmented reality interface,” says Shape Services.

The app overlays current surroundings with places from major geolocation services and allows users to see each destination relative to real world as a live video image.

It works with camera-enabled iOS devices, including the fourth-generation iPod touch and the iPad 2.

Holding the device horizontally lets you see locations on a map. You can move around and see nearby places and the distance to them changing relative to your position.

Hold the device vertically and the view immediately shifts to live video with augmented reality.

The great thing about Checkin+, according to Shape, is that it gives you the power to check-in on multiple geolocation services at once.

As long as the user is linked up with Facebook and Foursquare, they may simultaneously check in to each service with a few taps.

CheckIn+ comes in two versions: free and paid. CheckIn Pro goes for $0.99. The free version has the same features but is ad supported.

It is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 2 Wi-Fi and iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G and requires iOS 4.1 or later.

Download CheckIn+ for iOS (Free)

Download CheckIn Pro for iOS

A demonstration video of the app in action can be found below.