Ramsey made money by speaking at corporate events and received donations

Jul 17, 2013 06:56 GMT  ·  By

Cleveland kidnapping hero Charles Ramsey is once again making the news after reports about him being broke and homeless surfaced.

He denies the rumors and admits that he doesn't have an apartment, claiming that he is staying with family and friends.

He also confesses to not having a job, but he has set up a website where he will be selling promotional objects featuring his likeness.

According to the Examiner, his website domain is charlesramseylive.com, but the site itself is still under construction.

Asked what he did with the money he earned from donations by individuals and companies, speaking gigs and royalties for the “Dead Giveaway” tune, he said he bought a used BMW. He also mentioned having unpaid bills he had to take care of.