NASA is catching up on all the things that happened during the government shutdown

Oct 18, 2013 19:31 GMT  ·  By

Now that NASA is finally back to work after the great minds in Washington decided their little kindergarten tantrum had gone on long enough, it's catching up on all that's happened for the past few weeks.

For example, it published one of the latest images to come from the Cassini orbiter, currently flying around Saturn. The probe took several infrared images from behind the planet in July this year.

The images have been put together into a single large mosaic and colorized to better differentiate the regions.

"The image, made from data obtained by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, covers a swath of Saturn and its rings about 340,000 miles (540,000 kilometers) across that includes the planet and its rings out to the diffuse E ring, Saturn's second most distant ring," NASA explained.

Having the sun behind the planet doesn't just make for spectacular images, but it also provides better data to scientists, who can better observe the rings, unobscured by the bright light.