Actress is working on a new project to teach girls about health, not weight loss

Jun 14, 2012 17:51 GMT  ·  By
Cameron Diaz is writing a book on nutrition for young girls, will promote it with a tour across the US
   Cameron Diaz is writing a book on nutrition for young girls, will promote it with a tour across the US

Inspired by the success of her good friend Gwyneth Paltrow and based on what she's learned from her own experience, actress Cameron Diaz is out to help young impressionable girls lead a healthier lifestyle, which would also impact on weight maintenance.

The actress is currently working on a book on nutrition, whose sole purpose will be that of teaching girls that being healthy is more important than being skinny.

She hasn't signed a deal with a publisher just yet but, according to a report on E! News, she's already hired a literary agent for when the time comes.

Work on the project is just in its initial stages but, it would seem, Cameron already has pretty much everything worked out.

“She wants to stop their fixation on being thin, and for teenage girls to understand that being healthy is more important. She wants to use her celebrity to make a difference. She knows she is a role model to girls and she really wants to use that position to do good,” a publishing source says for the aforementioned publication.

“This book is not about weight, it’s about making the right choices,” adds the insider.

Of course, with the right choices, girls will also find out that weight maintenance can be healthy and not an ordeal, as it happens with (crash) diets.

After the book comes out, Cameron will also embark on a tour across the US, which will see her visiting high schools to talk to girls and, if possible, get feedback on the book.

“Cameron is going to be visiting high schools around the country to talk to teenagers about their food choices and what is important to them,” says the source.

“She wants them to know that being thin should not be their priority, it’s about getting the right vitamins and knowing what foods will give them energy and keep them strong. She wants to get their feedback, learn about how they decide what to eat now, and teach them to make more informed choices,” the tipster adds.

The book won't be “about” Cameron even if it will be written based on her own experience with food (both healthy and otherwise), with some help from famous friends like Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Lopez and even Paltrow.

Diaz's publicist has confirmed all of the above, stressing that no date is yet attached to the project.

“This is one of many projects she is considering for the future but nothing firm or ready to announce,” the rep says for E! News.