Mar 17, 2011 22:21 GMT  ·  By

Treyarch, the developer of the recent Call of Duty: Black Ops shooter, is quite impressed with the new Frostbite 2 engine in the upcoming Battlefield 3.

DICE really impressed everyone with its series of direct gameplay videos from the future Battlefield 3, showcasing its all-new Frostbite 2 engine.

Treyarch, one of the developers of Battlefield rival franchise Call of Duty, was also impressed by the video, with community manager Josh Olin admitting that the new game looks really beautiful.

"It was a visually stunning engine. I think it was the Fault Line trailer they released, it had some awesome Direct X11 effects going on. I know it was running on PC, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it on Xbox 360 and PS3."

As you can imagine, the Treyarch representative was immediately asked during the HipHopGamer show if this will prompt the Call of Duty development studios, including Treyarch itself and series founder Infinity Ward, to develop an all-new engine.

Olin replied that the current engine, dating back from 2005, is still great, and can easily be upgraded with each iteration.

"The Call of Duty engine's very lightweight, versatile and... it's something that our team's just really experienced with, both teams are. The engine's really good, it's a very powerful engine, and we can layer in and update things if we want to, like in World at War when we really blew out the fire technology."

This echoes the statement released by Infinity Ward a few weeks ago, saying that the engine in the Call of Duty series will stay the same for at least the next few games, but that plenty of upgrades will be made to it.

This strategy has been criticized by DICE earlier this week, who said that its rivals are getting lazy and aren't innovating enough to push the shooter genre forward.