LinkedIn profiles never lie

May 20, 2009 07:25 GMT  ·  By

The Call of Duty series is without a doubt one of the most popular franchises of first-person shooters currently in development. It has brought its publisher, Activision, huge amounts of money, especially with the most recent iterations, CoD 4: Modern Warfare and CoD: World at War, both developed by separate studios and appearing in successive years.

Now, many gamers have their eyes set on Infinity Ward and Activision, which have begun the hype campaign for Modern Warfare 2, the sixth iteration in the CoD series, even though it doesn't bear the Call of Duty brand on it. We've already seen a teaser trailer and a 15-second ad on TV about the game, with more to come in the following weeks.

But even though Modern Warfare 2 is gathering a lot of media attention, Shacknews reports that a senior animator at Treyarch, David Kim, has posted on his LinkedIn profile the fact that he and his whole team are working on the next CoD game, entitled, at least for now, Call of Duty 7. “I am currently on my second title as a senior animator in the games industry with Activision / Treyarch on Call Of Duty 7.”

With the development strategy set by Activision for this franchise, which is to have two teams working on separate projects and see them release a title every year back to back, Call of Duty 7 was more or less a no-brainer, considering how well the most recent game made by Treyarch did in terms of sales and popularity.

We've already heard some rumors about this next game and how it might see its action placed in the Vietnam war, which was hinted by Activision licensing songs from that period. The game might tackle this war as the senior producer of World at War, Noah Heller, revealed that World War II was no longer a profitable option for the franchise.

Either way, look forward to CoD 7 at the end of next year, when it will probably arrive for all the next-generation platforms, considering Activision's current strategies of development. Until then though, Modern Warfare 2 is gearing up to be launched.