The ambitious goal should create at least 110,000 new recycling jobs, report says

Mar 17, 2014 10:00 GMT  ·  By
Report says California's 75% recycling goal will benefit not just the environment, but also the economy
   Report says California's 75% recycling goal will benefit not just the environment, but also the economy

The state of California in the US wishes to reach a 75% recycling goal in the not too distant future. More precisely, the deadline for this ambitious project is the year 2020.

It goes without saying that, if successful, this project will yield noteworthy benefits in terms of improving on the state's ecological footprint.

What's interesting is that, according to a new report shared with the public by Tellus Institute, the move will also benefit the economy.

According to EcoWatch, this is because California's 75% recycling goal should translate into the creation of thousands of new job opportunities.

Specialists working with the Institute say that, should the state achieve 75% recycling by 2020, at least 110,000 new recycling jobs will be created. Related industries will also benefit from the move.

Besides, it is estimated that having 75% of California's plastic waste put to better use will create roughly 29,000 jobs, which is more than recycling any other material will.

The catch is that, in order for the job market to benefit from the state's green-oriented goal, new recycling and manufacturing facilities will have to be set in place in California.

“California is already a leader when it comes to recycling, yet there is still so much opportunity to ensure this economic resource isn’t going to waste,” Darby Hoover with the Natural Resources Defense Council commented on the findings of this report.

Furthermore, “By recovering materials such as plastic, paper and metals, we can capture their value and grow a new labor-intensive industry.”