The latest version of Calibre can be downloaded from Softpedia

Sep 5, 2014 08:04 GMT  ·  By

The Calibre eBook reader, editor, and library management software has been updated yet again and this time it brings a couple of Kindle improvements, among a host of fixes and changes.

The Calibre development cycle seems to have picked up some speed and the application is making big strides, at least in terms of the versions number. It's fair to say that each release until now actually brought numerous changes and improvements, so the versioning scheme is quite accurate.

According to the changelog, an option to not overwrite existing page number (apnx) files on the Kindle device when sending books to the device has been added, an option to allow the customization of the page number (apnx) generation algorithm based on values in a custom column for Kindle has been added, customizing the jacket template to show the tags in alphabetical order is now allowed, and the window is now updated when a conversion finishes in the background and makes a new format available.

Also, the mouse cursor is now automatically hidden when the mouse has not been used for a few seconds, a driver for SurfPad 3 has been added, the incorrect conversion of CSS, when the input document uses the same CSS class name in both upper and lower case, has been fixed, non-breaking hyphens are now being ignored for DOCX input, the text is now being reflowed when resizing the viewer window and only the height changes, a regression in 2.1 that prevented the saved column layout from being applied has been fixed, and the Check Book tool is no longer leaking threads.

Installing the latest version of Calibre is quite easy, as the developer provides a simple script to do all that. It should be platform-independent, but some users might not be able to run it. It's also likely that some of the repos out there might already feature the new version, so be sure to check them out first.

Users can also download the source package and try to compile it. It has many dependencies, so that might be an issue. The only other alternative is to get it from the repositories, but you might not get the latest release.

You can also check out our review of Calibre and download Calibre 2.2.0 from Softpedia, but keep in mind that this is just the source. If you do happen to find any bugs, please make sure to contact the developer and let him know.