From Pizza Hut

Mar 1, 2007 16:02 GMT  ·  By

The places you can get a cellphone from have become more numerous each day but never in my whole life have I thought or even heard about getting a mobile phone from some shop selling pizzas. Although Pizza Hut isn't exactly your usual small grocery store, I'm sure no one would ever think they can get in, buy themselves a pizza and, afterwards, go home with a brand new free LG Chocolate in their pocket.

If you think this combination is totally crazy, I cannot agree more! There is the other side of this story and that is probably the way things should really happen.

Instead of winning a free cellphone when you go in town to eat a pizza, you should get a pizza when buying yourself the brand new mobile phone you were craving for so much time.

Unfortunately, things are not happening the way they should in the world we live in! I'm saying "unfortunately" because you won't get that Chocolate completely free: you will have to sign a new 2-year customer agreement with Verizon Wireless.

You know what this means don't you? The saying "what is too good to be true is not true" has once again claimed its rights. The guys from Verizon are the geniuses behind this whole deal and I guess Pizza Hut never had anything against raising their sales' number due to that famous phone appearing next to one of their pizzas.

I'm pretty sure there is no need to get your Chocolate phone by signing an agreement with Verizon in a Pizza Hut restaurant but some of you might contradict me: why not sign that contract and ALSO eat a pizza?

And think about you answering one of your friends when he asks you where did you get your new phone and the surprised look on his/her face! That is probably the only thing worthy of choosing Pizza Hut instead of a Verizon dealer to buy yourself an LG Chocolate.