Dec 16, 2010 19:41 GMT  ·  By

Actress and Dancing With the Stars star Brooke Burke is rocking some pretty impressive abs on the cover of the latest issue of Shape magazine. Speaking of her diet and workout, Brooke says it’s only now that she knows what’s good for her body.

As the attached photo shows, Brooke is pictured on the cover in a cute gray top that she’s holding up to show off her tiny waist and, of course, her toned abs.

It’s been a long journey to get this body, she says. She’s tried about every diet out there, from the most ridiculous to the most severe, but it’s just now that she’s learned what’s right for her body.

“I’ve tried just about every crazy diet you can imagine, but now I’ve learned what really works for my body,” she says.

What really works for her is a Mediterranean diet that both she and her family are on right now. She eats a lot of lean grilled beef, chicken and fish. Brooke personally loves salmon.

At the same time, she also makes sure she has plenty of greens everyday: Brooke declares she’s a “fan” of salads and all vegetables. Of course, she also includes plenty of olive oil in her diet.

“I also eat five small meals a day, and I never skip breakfast, even if it’s just a protein shake. I can honestly say that I’ve never been healthier or fitter in my life,” she says.

Clearly, it shows. Speaking of body image and confidence, Brooke tells Shape there’s nothing more attractive about a woman than confidence. It even withstands age.

“There’s something magical about a woman who feels comfortable in her own skin… You can look at a supermodel and, yes, she’s beautiful, but then you meet a woman who just has something special about her, who becomes more attractive as you get to know her,” Brooke says.

“The older a woman gets, the more she can tap into that – at least that’s what I’ve experienced personally. It’s about owning who you are,” she explains.