Nutritionists believe that it is one of the healthiest veggies

Dec 18, 2008 13:55 GMT  ·  By

All legumes have beneficial effects on one's health, but some of the most common on our plates is broccoli, a plant from the brassicaceae family, along with cabbage and cauliflower. Experts agree that this particular legume should be included in our diet at least twice a week, as it has been proven that it has anti-cancer properties, lessens blood circulation, and it is good for the bone system. Studies carried out at King's College, UK, have also pointed out that broccoli compounds stimulate brain activity, functioning pretty much like the drugs used on patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Broccoli does such a tremendous job to your health due to the nutrients it has – the tasty veggie is very rich in vitamin A, C and K, soluble fiber, but also in compounds fighting against cancer, such as diindolylmethane, selenium, or sulforaphane.


Vitamin A allows the organism to grow properly, and it helps the damaged tissues repair, while vitamin C, that the body doesn't synthesize, is essential to several metabolic processes. It's vital to be taken from foods like broccoli in order to keep the “body mechanism” working. Vitamin K improves the blood stream, unblocks the vessels, and prevents the coagulation of the blood. The digestive system is also being taken care of due to the presence of dietary fibers (aka soluble fibers).


Scientists have discovered that diets containing broccoli could help in preventing certain cancers, and in treating some others. For instance, diindolylmethane (DIM) fights against all sorts of infections and cancers, and it is used at the moment to heal tumors produced by Human Papilloma Virus, usually located in the upper respiratory tracts. Selenium makes the thyroid gland function, and sulforaphane is another well-known anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer substance, processed from glucoraphanin, usually found in the young sprouts of the broccoli plant.


Besides the crucial health effects, this veggie is also poor in calories, and eating it, you would be able to control your weight, as well as feel good. A small bowl full of broccoli, that is around 150 g, allegedly has about 25-30 calories. The best way to eat it is either raw, or steamed, as it will maintain all the nutritional qualities. Don't even consider boiling it – the taste would be so bad that you'd never think about trying broccoli again.